Will be continue
we can't stop it
we will face it
even it hurt or best for us
we must face it
for my friends..
happy to facing a new life
u'll be more independent, mature and success
make sure make the best decision n be mature
hope that we will be as a friend for ever
even we are so far to meet now
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Facing a new environment..
Friday, August 28, 2009
Ramadhan... come again
there are many memories that happen in month of Ramadhan
in my life and also in other perspectives
In my life,
actually..I had celebrated Ramadhan in T'ganu in last 4 years ago
because I had study at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
I can't forget the memories with my friends there
We perform Terawikh, 'buka puasa' and many more together
So sweet and best memories..huhu;)
During the month of Ramadhan,
Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day until about 29 or 30 days.
Ramadhan was the month in which the first verses of the holy Qur'an were revealed to Prophet Mohammad SAW.
It is a time for inner reflection, devotion to God and self-control.
Then after Ramadhan, muslims will celebrate Eidulfitri..
Where it have so many memories that also I can't forget it
I'm still remember.. when I'm still child, where I'm received certain of money that called as 'duit raya' from other people.
I'm also remember, that I had cycled with my bicycle
from house to another house in my village also in other village the purpose was to collected the 'duit raya'...
so sweet and best memories that also can't forget.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I know I'm not the best person
If I had done something that hurt your heart just tell me
Insya Allah I'll change it
to the good and better thing
So that you will accept it as my friend
I hope that our relationship not stop in the middle way
It will continue for ever and ever
If something happen to you
just tell me, I will help you as I can
The memories that happen in our life
That we had been together can't be forget
I'm really appreciated to your sacrifice and your responsibilty to achieve the successful task that give
Hope that you also not forget me as your friend
Our responsible are not complete yet
There are a lot of obstacles that you must cross it
The life is not an easier thing
So, make sure you are in the right way
be positive and have a good day
Monday, August 3, 2009
For Your Eyes
The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness,
to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart,
to your child, a good example; to your father,deference;
to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you;
to yourself, respect; to all men, charity.
all the best for now, future and hereafter
Be a independent person and don't pressure other person
be yourself.. make sure that all the thing that you do are in the right thing
Think first before make a decision..
hehehe..k friends have a nice day
Thursday, July 30, 2009
As growing to adult, many things that I must think
Sometime, I feel that I want to give up and be other normal person
I can't achieve the best thing like other person
I know that this is the experiences to me to be a good person
I had many problems
Sometime I asked myself, Why me must face the problems
I'm not a good person and not a qualified person
Sometime I ashamed with other person that can face the problem in the best solution
Now, I must change my lifestyle to be a very good person that can face the problems
To be a good person it is not the easy one to achieve
what I should do is take the challenge and brave to take risks
Maybe I should share with other people, so that we can change the idea to solve the problems
be a positive thinker and smile always
k friends have a good day n don't be like me k
because I had many problems that can't solve....=(
Monday, July 27, 2009
Garlic and Your Health
Garlic (allium sativum) is packed full of health-promoting power. It's famous for being one of our most powerful natural health allies. It can be used in poultices and teas or in direct applications. Or you can enjoy more of it in all your favorite foods. In fact, nearly everyone would benefit from a generous boost of garlic in the daily diet, because it...
* is a potent antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and immune-boosting herb
* can be used to treat wounds, infections and sties
* improves circulation
* treats ulcers
* attacks cold germs and flu viruses
* prevents and treats respiratory and throat problems, such as chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis and pneumocystis pneumonia
* alleviates allergy symptoms
* retards inflammatory reactions
* can be used directly to treat burns and insect bites and stings
* treats earaches and ear infections
* helps prevent altitude sickness
* is effective at treating breastfeeding- related mastitis with the added bonus of not introducing antibiotics into baby's milk
* helps babies nurse better
* reduces high cholesterol levels
* helps control blood sugar levels
* lowers high blood pressure
* helps prevent ischemic stroke (If you're concerned about hemorrhagic stroke, avoid anti-clotting herbs.)
* helps prevent heart disease and heart attacks
* helps prevent angina and congestive heart failure
* reduces ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation of cardiac arrhythmia
* treats athlete's foot and other fungal infections
* treats vaginal yeast infections (candidiasis) , thrush and vaginitis
* helps prevent some types of cancer
* helps prevent migraines
* helps treat both types of herpes virus
* treats pinworms, roundworms, giardia (an amoeba) and other parasitic infections
* contains more blood-thinnning anticoagulants (9) than any other herb
* may help slow physiological aging and age-related memory loss
* helps prevent opportunistic infections of AIDS, and may inhibit spread of HIV in the body
* helps reduce the leg pain associated with peripheral vascular disease
* fights tuberculosis and enhances the action of standard antibiotics in fighting off tuberculosis bacteria
Friday, July 24, 2009
Salam everyone..
Today (24th July 2009) is 2nd day of Syaaban 1430H.
About a month we will celebrate Ramadhan where all the muslims around the world have to fasting.
Muslims around the world will celebrate the Nisfu Syaaban soon, which is celebrated every 15th of Syaaban, the eight month in the Hijrah calendar. 'Nisfu' is an Arabic word which when translated means 'middle'.
Nisfu Syaaban is also one of the time that Muslims are encouraged to perform more good deeds and to be committed to their obligations towards Allah, such as the 'puasa sunat' (sunat fast), Quran recital, and 'sembahyang hajat' (hajat prayers).
Prophet Muhammad practised a lot of 'ibadah sunnah' at this time of month. Prophet Muhammad used to fast at this month and continued it until Ramadhan.
One of the benefits of performing the 'puasa sunat' during this month was as an exercise and to prepare for fasting before performing it for the whole month of Ramadhan, which follows after Sya'aban. During Ramadhan, it is an obligation for all Muslims to fast and stated as one of the five pillars of Islam.
One of the benefits of Sya'aban is that those who fast on any day, Allah will forbid him from hellfire and they will be companions to Prophet Yusof in heaven.
Another hadith, as narrated by Ibnu Habban in his authentic book, from Muaz bin Jabal ra, said that Prophet Muhammad spoke that "Allah will see his followers on the night of Nisfu Syaaban and Allah will give rewards or pahala to all of the followers, except those who commit syirik (witchcraft) and adultery".
As narrated by Abdullah bin Amru bin al-As, which means "Allah looks at his creatures on the night of Nisfu Syaaban, and will grant forgiveness, except for two groups, that are those who commit suicide and those who spread fitnah"
One of the historical event in the month of Sya'aban was the event in which the 'kiblat' was moved from Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to the Kaabah in Makkah.
So friends, don't forget to top up our ibadah...
Take care and have a nice day;)
Friday, July 17, 2009
The event that cannot be forget
15th July 2009 is the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) 7th convocation day.
The convocation was held at Dewan Sultan Mizan (DSM), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.
before that, I had meet my lecturer Dr Marzuki Ismail to took my thesis entitled 'Lemongrass Leaf-Polyester Composites' that supervised by Dr Mohamad Awang and Mdm Wan Rafizah Wan Abdullah.
I also meet my course mate there. About four year we be a friends, working together to make assignment and many more. There are a lot of memory there.
At UMT also, I had a experience how to communicate to community around the Kuala Terenganu. At the Kuala Terenganu, most of the people can't to speak standard malay language. They used malay language but the had the influence of Terengganu style.. such as 'makang (eat)', 'ikang (fish)', and many more. I'm very enjoyed it. But sometimes I had a problems to communicates with them, because they use weird words that I can't understand.
At UMT also, I learned how to be an independent person. Sometimes, lecturer's will give works to do by our self. It also challeged me to do the best thing from other persons. But actually, I'm not very clever student, I'm from rural area, many things that I must learned by my self. But I try to be a good person in this course...hehehe..
K la, I don't have enough time to write my experience now..
wait for another site k
Have a good day
Public Speaking : Technology and Society
-Brief definition about the technology and society
-How the technology and society can related
-The effect of the technology to the human being, in the good and bad perspectives.
-Why we need the technology in the society?
-The different and influence of technology from the other society in the world.
-The bad and good of the technology and society in world
Technology & Science
Technology is a broad concept that deals with an animal species ethology or behavior of usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects the animal species ability to control and adapt to environment.
Science refers to any systematic knowledge-base or prescriptive practice that is capable of resulting in a prediction or predictable type of outcome. In this sense, may refer to a highly skilled technique or practice.
There are many of the products that had been founded. The products that produced had give benefit to our society and environment. Many of the products that produced based on the technology and science can give our life become easier than before.
But I'm only focused on the technology and science based on environmental criteria. Where it included of the water treatment, wastewater treatment, air pollution and groundwater.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Air Conditioning
13th May 2009, Monday...
Industrial Operation students learned how to install and operate the air conditioning system
it is the first time I learn this subject
I'm very excited to learn this subject. Below are some of the explanation about the air conditioning system.
Almost every commercial building, and office have an air conditioning unit. It has become a compulsory of modern life. For a small office, a window air conditioning unit will suffice. These are self contained units which do not need much skill to install. Nowadays, the trend is to use split air conditioning units in the average sized office and home because they are quieter. However, there are some amount of drilling, joining of tubes, vacuuming, charging of refrigerant gas, and other installation works to be done.
Larger buildings make use of Central Air Conditioning. The basic concept of cooling or heating remains the same. However, the system can be designed to be very complex if necessary. Automatic temperature controls, microprocessor and operation logic controls, building automation controls, and other smart features have made some systems beyond the handling capability of many normal technical people.
New types of refrigerant are constantly being developed to produce minimal damage to the environment. New materials have to be used to work with the new refrigerants. Better efficiency methods are adopted for maximum energy savings.
Air conditioning is more than just cooling or heating the environment. Users are becoming more and more conscious of indoor air quality. Filtration of air particles, renewal of fresh air, removal of smell, and removal of chemical contaminants are some of the factors which air conditioning designers have to consider.
In an energy conscious world, concepts like ice storage, district cooling, cogeneration, evaporative pre-cooling, chiller sequencing, decoupling systems, and many other methods have been tried, and evaluated.
Air conditioning comprises many areas of Mechanical and Control Engineering.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Learning Video Movie Maker...
Today is Friday (10th July 2009),
I had learned how to use the video movie maker.
it so interesting,
I had learned the new things today,
I'm very excited to do the movie maker
Just now I'll try to do the best movie maker for my own live
Just wait..
It might be take some time
because I'm not expert to the movie maker very well
But I'm still learn to do the best among the best.
I hope after this we will share our own video to all of you
I hope you will enjoy it...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Good information. . Please take note and it can happen to you.
Remember this especially when you buy lots of ice cream during Baskin Robbins 31st day offer!!!
They normally put dry ice in your ice cream pack if you buy a lot.
A friend bought four packs of ice cream and to prevent it from melting, the seller put the dry ice
amongst the ice cream. My friend put it at the back seat (not the back of the car boot) and he started to
drive with the windows closed and the aircon on (as what we all do). Soon after that, he had difficulty
breathing and it was getting worse by minutes. Luckily, he was in a traffic jam and when he almost fainted,
beside him was an ambulance. He dragged himself to the ambulance and got the oxygen treatment. He
was getting better on the way to the hospital.
The ambulance officer drove his car to the hospital and he had the same experience. However, before
his condition worsen, he opened up the window and he could breathe easily. Only later, when my friend
returned to office and told his colleagues about his story, they pointed out to him that the dry ice was the
problem. WHY?
Dry ice is made of CO2 and when it "melts", it becomes CO2 gas straight away without leaving any wet
mark (that is why it is called dry ice). CO2 is easier to be tied up in our blood and thus, when the dry ice
sublimes into CO2 gas, it fills the car room with it along with the air con circulation and caused CO2
poisoning. So, dont put the dry ice inside your car if you are using aircon with fully closed windows. You
must leave the windows open for such situation.
Hope this will help to prevent any fatality just from a small negligence like this. Imagine if you have your
children inside, they might be the first victim
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Wedding Ceremony

Yesterday (5th July 2009) another of my cousin got married.
Well I attended it and I’m all genuinely happy for my friend, but I reckon every single person frustrated in love who attends such an event will likely to have this single thought on their mind.
Me, still single and looking, wondering, “When is it going to be my turn … Oh mak kahwin kah lah aku”
Hahaha, as pathetic as it sound, it’s sadly true … well alright enough of the banter, the blog topic for today is not about me, but of the colorful Malay Wedding.
Anyone out there who is not a Malay and is getting hitched with someone who is, well these are the activities which precede the actual Malay wedding ceremony.
It’s more of less of my observation over the years and online stuff I found. So if I left out anything or got it wrong, do revert back to me aite:
The Mirisik
- This step is usually given a miss by current generation of youngster. They already have a partner in mind, and such match making is no longer applicable in such times.
- Investigation or spying by groom family member visiting the potential bride.
- A hint will be given to her parents regarding the purpose of the visit, and their reaction will be assessed.
- The girl’s parents may also give the visitors some idea as to whether or not their daughter will be interested in the match.
- The merisik does not constitute a formal proposal.
- The engagement or approach to formalise the arrangement (meminang).
- This betrothal is the pre-wedding meeting between the bride’s and the groom’s parents
- Determine the dowry that is to be given to the bride as well as the date of the solemnization.
- This may be as early as a year before the wedding itself so that arrangements could be made in advance.
- Once agreement for the marriage has been reached between the families of the potential bride and the potential bridegroom, preparations for engagement (Meminang) take place.
- Representatives from the young man’s side once again visit the house of the young woman, following the confirmation of a date and time for such a visit.
- On the side of the potential bride, a consensus is obtained regarding the following:
- (a) The date and time for the Meminang ceremony.
- (b) The amount of money to be paid by the young man for expenses (Wang belanja).
- (c) Details regarding the gift (Hantaran) items.
- (d) The date and time for the actual wedding ceremony and feast.
Akad Nikah
- Akad Nikah is an Islamic ceremony without which no marriage is valid.
- Marriage contract where the solmnization is normally presided by a kadhi, a religious official of the Syariat (Shariat) Court.
- Consent of both the bride and the bridegroom must be obtained
- Groom agrees to provide the bride with a mas kahwin.
- A small sum of money called the mas kahwin seals the contract.
- The amount of the mas kahwin is usually fixed, but a potential bridegroom may give any amount above the official figure.
- The akad nikah ceremony is in effect a verbal contract between the bride’s father or his representative (in this case the kadhi) and the groom.
- In a brief sermon given by the officials, the bridegroom and the bride will receive a briefing on their rights and responsibilities as a married couple, particularly from the Islamic perspective.
- There must be two official witnesses at the Akad Nikah.
- A marriage certificate will be issued by the kadhi or State Religious Council representatives following the ceremony,
- This is to be signed by the bridegroom, the bride as well as the witnesses.
- The berinai (henna application) ceremony is held prior to the wedding.
- The Adat Berinai is intended to cleanse both the young persons now married to each other.
- Henna is regarded as a blessed item, that is, it is used as a means of cleansing and protection from evil or malicious influences.
- The bride’s palms and feet are ‘decorated’ with the dye from the henna leaves.
- The bride’s hair is also trimmed or her eyebrows shaped by a beautician known as the mak andam.
- Berinai ceremonies are held three times as follows:
- (a) Berinai Curi takes place three nights before the actual wedding ceremony (akad nikah) with the participation of close relatives and friends only.
- (b) Berinai Kecil. Takes place two nights before the wedding ceremony with the participation of family members, neighbors and close friends.
- (c) Berinai Besar is usually held after the completion of the religious ceremony (Akad Nikah).
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sitting by Your Self
this child sees himself in
mamas arms,
this child sings,
this child laughs,
this child cries, when your
sitting by your self.
This child sees your tears,
this child waits until its past.
this child sings,
this child laughs,
this child cries, when your
sitting by your self.
This child takes your hand,
this child leads you to a chair.
this child sings,
this child laughs,
this child takes away your pain
I Love You Allah
I woke up in the morn
Feeling happy and not torn
Something is coming up to
It is lovely and so beautiful
That I don't know
I feel so well
I feel so free
That I never want these feelings
To go
I love you
You are my sir
You are my care
You are my peace
You are my pith
I love you
I hope you forgive me
I hope you pass my sin
I hope you hold me
I hope you stay within
Because I love you
I love you Allah
From whole my heart
By: Noha Ramzy
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wishing you a colourful day.
Rainbows would never be rainbows
If sunshine had never met rain
No one would ever need comfort
If there was no sadness and pain
But life hold both sunshine and showers
The day aren't all bright and fair
So look through the shower for the rainbows
You'll always find hope shining there
FriENd PoEm..
You're a true friend,
that I want you to know,
Our love for each other
has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
but we've made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.
You helped me through anger,
you've chased away fears.
You held me through sadness,
and kissed away tears.
You stayed by my side
when the world turned away.
You helped me see joy
when the skies were all gray.
You were the rainbow
at the end of the storm.
You help me be different
when I shouldn't conform.
You held my hand
when you knew we would fall.
Every heartache,
you saw me through it all.
I'm not sure
I'm always the best friend to you,
I know I'm not perfect,
but this much is true.
When life gets you down,
And there's nowhere to turn,
I'll help you through and
I'll share your concern.
I'll try my best to return every favor,
When you're sure that you'll drown,
then I'll be your lifesaver;
Even if we both go down.
Whether we sink or swim
doesn't matter at all,
Just know that I'll be there
whenever you call.
I'll pull you out
when life pulls you under.
I'll be the sun
when there's lightning and thunder.
And when it's all over,
And we've fought every war,
There's one thing I promise,
Of this I am sure,
When the time comes
that we're put to our rest.
Be sure that you know that,
My friend, you're the best.
And if there is Heaven,
then I know you'll be there,
That if you die first
then you'll hear every prayer.
And soon I'll join you,
but just know until then.
That I'll miss you each day
'til I see you again.
you'll be my guiding light,
You'll lead me to heaven,
away from the night.
We'll be there together,
and we'll never grow old.
And we'll walk hand in hand
On the streets paved of gold
Friday, June 26, 2009
Plastic Types, Characteristics… Dangers
Individuals have a way to identify the type of plastic in many products, especially food storage containers and packaging. Many, but not all, such plastic products have a number – the resin identification code – molded, formed or imprinted in or on the container, often on the bottom. This system of coding was developed in 1988 by the U.S.-based Society of the Plastics Industry to facilitate the recycling of post-consumer plastics. It is voluntary for plastic manufacturers, but has become relatively standard on certain plastic products sold globally. Knowing the code for a particular product, consumers can then inform themselves of the characteristics of the plastic and the risks of using that product.
The seven plastic resin codes are each briefly described below to provide a quick snapshot detailing the name of the resin (i.e., the base material of the plastic), typical products it is found in, dangerous chemicals it leaches, and why they are dangerous.
– Used in soft drink, juice, water, beer, mouthwash, peanut butter, salad dressing, detergent and cleaner containers. Leaches antimony trioxide and di(2ethylhexyl) pthalate (DEHP). Workers exposed to antimony trioxide for long periods of time have exhibited respiratory and skin irritation; among female workers, increased incidence of menstrual problems and miscarriage; their children exhibited slower development in the first twelve months of life. The longer a liquid is left in such a container the greater the concentration of antimony released into the liquid. DEHP is an endocrine disruptor that mimics the female hormone estrogen. It has been strongly linked to asthma and allergies in children. It may cause certain types of cancer, and it has been linked to negative effects on the liver, kidney, spleen, bone formation and body weight. In Europe, DEHP has been banned since 1999 from use in plastic toys for children under the age of three.
– Used in opaque milk, water, and juice containers, bleach, detergent and shampoo bottles, garbage bags, yogurt and margarine tubs, cereal box liners. Considered a 'safer' plastic. Our research on risks associated with this type of plastic is ongoing.
– Used in toys, clear food and non-food packaging (e.g., cling wrap), some squeeze bottles, shampoo bottles, cooking oil and peanut butter jars, detergent and window cleaner bottles, shower curtains, medical tubing, and numerous construction products (e.g., pipes, siding). PVC has been described as one of the most hazardous consumer products ever created. Leaches di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) or butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP), depending on which is used as the plasticizer or softener (usually DEHP). DEHP and BBzP are endocrine disruptors mimicking the female hormone estrogen; have been strongly linked to asthma and allergic symptoms in children; may cause certain types of cancer; linked to negative effects on the liver, kidney, spleen, bone formation and body weight. In Europe, DEHP and BBzP and other dangerous pthalates have been banned from use in plastic toys for children under three since 1999. Not so elsewhere, including Canada and the United States.
– Used in grocery store, dry cleaning, bread and frozen food bags, most plastic wraps, squeezable bottles (honey, mustard). Considered a 'safer' plastic. Our research on risks associated with this type of plastic is ongoing.
– Used in ketchup bottles, yogurt and margarine tubs, medecine and syrup bottles, straws, Rubbermaid and other opaque plastic containers, including baby bottles. Considered a 'safer' plastic. Our research on risks associated with this type of plastic is ongoing.
– Used in Styrofoam containers, egg cartons, disposable cups and bowls, take-out food containers, plastic cutlery, compact disc cases. Leaches styrene, which is an endocrine disruptor mimicking the female hormone estrogen, and thus has the potential to cause reproductive and developmental problems; long-term exposure by workers has shown brain and nervous system effects; adverse effects on red blood cells, liver, kidneys and stomach in animal studies. Also present in secondhand cigarette smoke, off-gassing of building materials, car exhaust and possibly drinking water. Styrene migrates significantly from polystyrene containers into the container's contents when oily foods are heated in such containers.
– This is a catch-all category that includes anything that does not come within the other six categories. As such, one must be careful in interpreting this category because it includes polycarbonate - a dangerous plastic - but it also includes the new, safer, biodegradable bio-based plastics made from renewable resources such as corn and potato starch, and sugar cane. Polycarbonate is used in many plastic baby bottles, clear plastic “sippy” cups, sports water bottles, three and five gallon large water storage containers, metal food can liners, some juice and ketchup containers, compact discs, cell phones, computers. Polycarbonate leaches Bisphenol A (some effects described above), and numerous studies have indicated a wide array of possible adverse effects from low-level exposure to Bisphenol A: chromosome damage in female ovaries, decreased sperm production in males, early onset of puberty, various behavioural changes, altered immune function, and sex reversal in frogs.
Important Note: Two other types of plastic that fall under code 7 are acrylonitrile styrene (AS) or styrene acrylonitrile (SAN), and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Both AS/SAN and ABS are higher quality plastics with increased strength, rigidity, toughness and temperature and chemical resistance. AS/SAN is used in mixing bowls, thermos casing, dishes, cutlery, coffee filters, toothbrushes, outer covers (printers, calculators, lamps), battery housing. The incorporation of butadiene during the manufacture of AS/SAN, produces ABS, which is an even tougher plastic. ABS is used in LEGO toys, pipes, golf club heads, automotive parts, protective head gear. Our research on risks associated with AS/SAN and ABS is ongoing.
You may wish to seriously consider your – and especially your children's – use of plastics numbered 1, 3, 6 and 7 (polycarbonate) , all of which have been shown to leach dangerous chemicals. This does not necessarily mean the others are completely safe, just that they have been studied less to date.
So if you have to use plastic, it is safest to stick to numbers 2, 4, 5 and 7 (other than polycarbonate) whenever possible.
If an item does not have a plastic code on it, or if the type of plastic is unclear from the code (e.g., with #7, it likely will not say it is polycarbonate) , your best bet is to contact the manufacturer and ask them directly what type of plastic was used to make the product.
Plastic Tips
Here are some simple tips to help you in working toward a life without plastic, or a life of safer, more informed plastic use.
o Avoid polycarbonate (#7) baby bottles and sippy cups. For baby bottles, try and use glass, polyethylene or polypropylene instead. Sippy cups made of stainless steel (e.g., Kleen Kanteen, Purica), or of polypropylene or polyethylene are safer. Be sure to check the bottle or cup to be sure of the type of plastic it contains. As for baby bottle nipples, try and use silicone which does not leach the carcinogenic nitrosamines that can be found in latex.
o If you must use polycarbonate (#7) bottles, avoid heating food and drink in the bottle. Heat it in a separate container and transfer it to the bottle once it is warm enough for the child to eat or drink. If the plastic is showing signs of wear – scratched, cloudy – discard the container.
o For drinking water, try and avoid plastic bottles. If you do use plastic bottles made from #1 or #2 plastic try not to reuse them as they are intended only for single use. One alternative is a stainless steel water bottle. For storing large quantities of water, glass and stainless steel containers are also available. If you use a #1 water bottle, try to consume the contents as soon as possible because leaching of antimony increases with time.
o Try to avoid heating foods in plastic containers, especially in the microwave oven, which can cause the plastic to degrade and leach chemicals faster. As well, leaching increases when plastic comes into contact with oily or fatty foods, or when the plastic is scratched, worn, cracked, or sticky.
o Use plastic wraps with caution, especially in the microwave, and try to keep the plastic from touching the food. Alternatives include wax paper or paper towels.
o Try and use alternatives to plastic packaging and storage containers. Cloth, paper or cardboard are possibilities for transporting groceries. Stainless steel and glass food storage containers are available.
o Avoid plastic dishes and utensils for meals. Alternatives include glass, ceramic, wood, stainless steel, and lacquer ware. Offer your child or grandchild a non-plastic dish set made of either stainless steel or wood (safely coated with a non-toxic lacquer).
These days, plastic is so omnipresent it can be difficult to imagine life without plastic. Yet, our ancestors managed just fine without it. All it takes is a little imagination, determination and discipline.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
5 thing r Happening in your House..
This is truly brilliant... .It can't get more accurate than this!!!!
Sigmund Freud's priorities test.
Five things are happening in your house at the same time. In which sequence would you solve them?
1. The telephone is ringing!
2. The baby is crying!
3. Someone's knocking or calling you from the front door!
5. You left the tap on in the kitchen and the water is already overflowing!
In which sequence would you solve these problems? Write the sequence and do check below how your decisions were made. BUT BE HONEST, THE FINDINGS ARE EXCITING. First write YOUR sequence from 1 to 5 then scroll below and read after!
Every individual point represents something in your life. On the list you can see which meaning every point has:
1. Telephone represents =Work*
2. Baby represents =Family*
3. Door represents =Friends*
4. Clothes represent =Money*
5. Tap represents =Love life*
- Your chosen sequence determines the priorities in your life.
Wonderful Day
Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a Fragrance as before a storm. When a storm approaches thee, be as sweet-smelling Flower.
Let the minor genius go his/her Light way and enjoy his/her Life--- the great nature cannot so live, he/she is never really in holiday mood, even though he/she often plucks flowers by the way side and ties them into knots & garland like Little children and lays out on a Sunny Day..
Think positive
Positive thinker is the good thing that can be apply for several people.
When we think to be a positive, many of the problems can be solve in the best way solution.
Not everyone agrees that positive thinking is a good thing!
Negative thinkers often think they are being 'realistic' and that positive thinkers are merely deluding themselves.
But the fact is that thinking positively, no matter what happens, means you are far more likely to succeed in life because you don't give up so early. The longer you try the more probable it is you are going to succeed. Simple logic.
Positive thinking doesn't mean expecting everything to be perfect
Positive thinkers don't always expect everything to work out, but they do know how to apply a positive spin when things go wrong. They know how to add an 'at least' when stuff fails to go as planned: "I didn't get the job but at least I know what to say at the next interview when I go for a job like that!"
Positive thinking is a huge personal asset. There are always positives in superficially negative experiences, such as what you learnt from your mistakes or the way hard experiences can make you stronger. Positive thinking enable people to see the positives where others cannot.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friends, you know today is the first Rejab 1430 hijrah
Another 2 month all of muslims will fasting a month and another 3 month we will celebrate Hari Raya Eidulfitri
Many of the hadiths reported about the worth and merit of Rejab are either weak or fabricated. However, we should remember that there are many important events in Islamic history that took place in the month of Rejab, such as the Night Journey and Ascension (Israa’ and Mi`raj), the Battle of Tabuk, and the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque from the crusaders at the hands of Salah Ad-Din Al-Ayyubi. All of Muslims should recall these great victories and derive lessons from them.
It has bee mentioned by Abul Fath ibn Abil-Fawaris in his Amali (dictations and transmissions) and Allama Suyuti has also mentioned in his Jami Saghir from Hasan Basri that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,
"Rajab is the month of Allah. Sya'aban is my month. Ramadhan is the month of my ummah (followers)."
From the above hadith, it shows that it is preferable to make do'a, to remain in the coming and following months, in order to perform good actions in them, because a true believer increases in his age with goodness. The best of people is the one who lives long and performs good actions.
There is no doubt that the month of Rajab is the key to the opening of the months of goodness and blessing.
Abu Bakr Warraq (May Allah be pleased with him) said,
"Rajab is a month of cultivation, Shaban is month of irrigating the fields, and the month of Ramadhan is a month of reaping and harvesting."
The summary is, that the month of Rejab is a sacred month and the first, virtuous and noble of them all. So it is appropriate to celebrate it ENTIRELY and to give attention to it by performing good acts, and refraining oneself from sins and offensive things, because it is the month of Allah.
It has been mentioned that Allah said,
"Fasting is for me and I will recompense one for it."
Fasting in the month of Rajab prevents one from sins, let alone refraining one from killing and having enmity towards the enemy (which this month was made sacred for), like it was practised by the people in the ignorant (jahili) period.
So friends, make sure our activities in the direct way.
Have a good day...
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Teluk Belanga and Cekak Musang
Have you heard about teluk belanga and cekak musang
Like the female traditional Malay costumes, the little differences in the men’s Baju Melayu relate to the design of the neck area, and the way the upper dress or shirt is worn (whether outside the samping or inside).
Then of course the fabrics and pattern designs making up the costume and samping are subject to the individual’s taste.
The main difference between the two fashion styles is the cutting style at the neck or collar design, where the Teluk Belanga style has no collar and the neckline is stitched in the style known as "tulang belut" (eel's spines or bones). There is a loop at the end of the neckline to fit a "kancing" (a hook or button).
This Teluk Belanga collar design therefore exposes the neck of the wearer in contrast to the stiff or firm collar (like a Nehru or Mandarin collar but with buttons) of the Cekak Musang style.
On the other hand, as noted above, the Cekak Musang style has a raised or stiff collar of about 1 - 2cm, and is opened down to the chest, with holes for five buttons including two buttons for the collar.
The Teluk Belanga style originated, as its name implies, from the Johor Sultanate. Teluk Belanga, on the island of Singapore, was the administrative capital of the Johor Sultanate until 1866 when it moved to Johore Bahru
Salam and Hi everyone,
Yesterday I had learned about the zapin. Do you what is the zapin is? Statement below show the summary about what is the zapin is. I hope that you enjoy reading it.
It is believed that Muslim missionaries of the Middle East namely Persia and Arabia introduced
the dance to Malaya during the fifteenth century.
The dance was originally performed by males only however it is also performed
by female dancers these days.
The simple version of the Zapin is performed to the rhythm &1234 and the foot is extended out to the side on the last count. It can be done on the spot, traveling forwards and backwards or diagonally in the basic form.
The carriage of the dancers is quite erect and dignified.
The music for Zapin comes from an ensemble of traditional instruments which include the lute (gambus), gypsy-type bongos (marwas) and the violin.
There are no hard and fast rules as to the number of dancers that perform. However because of the very interactive nature of this dance, it is usually performed in pairs.
The dancers can then play with each other, teasing, challenging and enjoying each others company. It is most popular in Johor.
There are numerous forms of Zapin dances and it varies from state to state. One of the most popular forms and certainly more evolved and intricate is the Zapin Tenglu from the town of Mersing. Said to be inspired by the ebb and flow of the tide and the lives of fishermen, the dance has many unexpected movements like a rotation of the body from the waist followed by a sudden accented, sharp and held movement of the arms and shoulders. It is said that these movements are derived from the feeling of being tossed around in a fishing boat and having to catch yourself before you are thrown overboard.
Another popular Zapin dance is the Zapin Pekajang.
I hope that you enjoy it..
K have a good day friends...
Monday, June 22, 2009

I'm still remember when the first time we meet
We are not know to each other
At that time I'm very lonely
But that time, I meet many new friends
some from Sabah, Kelantan, Selangor, Pahang, Sarawak, Melaka, Selangor, Melaka, Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Terengganu, and Perlis.
Many things that I have learned from you
Even sometime we are not same opinion
After 4 year in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
in Bachelor of Technology (Environmental)
Many of thing that we had learned to be a good person
to face the most challeging things in the future
I hope that our relationship as a friend will continue forever
Good luck for your life
Hope that all of you are success forever
Happy Father's Day
Salam and Hi everyone,
Yesterday 21st June 2009 was the father's day.
I would like to thanks to especially my father, Mr Sakury bin Hj. Noor that always supported me and give advice to me until now.
My father is very responsible person and very strict person.
I'm still remember when I'm at kindergarten school, my father alway send me every morning to kindergarten school.
He also supported me to do anything because at that time I'm very pampered to my family.
Until now, my father always give advice to me to do a good thing and to be a good person to family,
religion and country.
Thanks father because alway suppported my decision and at same time give opinion to me and my family.
I'll remember your responsibilities, caring and advice to me everytime INSYA ALLAH...
Father, thanks for the everythings.
You are the best person in my live.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Actually in my village is the fruit season
there are a lot of fruit in my village
such as rambutan, durian and mangosteen fruit
in this time actually, is the rambutan season
I'm very excited to eat the rambutan fruit
it very tasty, sweet and delicious
yummy.. yummy..yummy
do you know rambutan is my favorite fruit
I'm still remember when I was a child
my mother, father and brother will go to the orchard at my relatives
to pick the rambutan, durian, mangosteen and many more
Actually, at that time my father and my elder brother climb the tree to pick the fruits
but mother, me and my younger brother just wait below the tree
It is the experience that I cannot forget forever
My mother and father is the best person
They teach me how to be a good person
but sometime, they are angry with me and my brother
It's funny when I remember all the memories with my family.
Hope this day is better that yesterday
Friday, June 12, 2009
Salam and Hi everyone...
Actually I don't have idea to write this blog today, but I'll try to write. Today I'll write about leadership. Do you know what is mean by leadership. From Wikipedia, leadership has been described as the “process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task" . A definition more inclusive of followers comes from Alan Keith of Genentech who said "Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen."
Actually everyone want to be a leader but, a leader is the person that must responsible all the things, problems and everything that happen in their group. The leader must know the problem/s that happen and how to solve and prevent the problem/s. I'm also had an experience to be a leader, there are more responsible to be a leader. Actually to be a leader, a person must know the problems from the bottom to the above level. A leader also must know how to solve the problem in the direct way and with the best solution.
From that, type and evaluation of the leader can be estimate and measure either it true or not.
The leader also must show the positive way criteria to other persons, so that other person will know that a leader a not only can manage certain activity or problem/s in the proper way, but leader also have a good attitude that can be follow by other people from
other background and level. For example, our prophet Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. have a good attitude
and behaviour that must be follow from other people in the world. Our prophet have a good criteria
of attitude that most of the activities that been done are in the direct and proper way.
Otherwise, the leader also must know to manage the time in the proper way. The leader also must know how differentiate the time with other acitivities so that other side of people will negative thinking to our side of thinking.
Actually there are many of the criteria that a leader must have. Some of the criteria I had mention in the above statement. A leader also must know how to communicate with other people arround their place and the international level. So that the news can be separate to other person so that other people can give comment and the solution to solve the problems. The leader also must learn the best technique to communicate so that the quality of the leadership can be improve.
Friday, June 5, 2009
First time blogging
Hi everyone..
Actually I'm studying in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in Industrial Skill Enhancement Program (INSEP) 2009 in course of Management of Industrial Operation under Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. I'm very excited to join this program where here I meet many new friends from many background. Actually the class didn't start yet, in the first month program, we learned about how to improve my personal behavior, good attire, learned how to be a leader, improve skill and many more. Actually, In this program I'm also learned how to working together with other peoples from different background and personalities.